This is my own personal experience on Gods grace and Gods healing in March 2022. I was going through a lot last year and at this point in my life I started to feel a lot of anxiety coming upon me. Now I have experienced anxiety since I was probably around 5 or 6 maybe even before that, I used to have symptoms of sickness and nausea and at one point in high school I had chest pains that would feel like sharp stabs in both sides of my chest.
March 2022
God showed me that the enemy was using my internal organs in the spirit realm as tender points that stems from anxiety for distraction. This was to lead me away from Gods truth and what God was doing in my life. Saying this God showed me he had surgically removed all black rotten parts of my large intestine that were ulcerated from a young age by the spirit of anxiety. The other thing you should know is that I used to suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Now God was healing the inside of me so I could not be tormented by this spirit any longer. The reason he needed to do this was because I internalized anxiety.
Prayer is so powerful so I asked God to show me all my tender areas in my body and my organs and that he would strengthen them day by day. I thanked him for my healing and I stood by the power of the blood of Christ that I was healed.
The specific organs God showed me are listed below and where the anxiety stemmed from.
Heart & Esophagus - This was from past relationships. Anxiety lived in the heart of teh intestine and then joined with the heart. This meant that my heart, esophagus, stomach and small and large intestine were effected.
Intestines - The anxiety started here, the rottedness spread to the stomach and esophagus. The by product of this was then released through my bowels or stomach as liquid. Nausea was the main symptom to feel as my stomach would churn and cramp up.
Our bodies deal with the symptoms of the spirit, so when the symptoms appear we can either choose to accept them or we can concentrate and focus on God and turn to worship and praise him.
The enemy was prodding these areas as they were tender while healing to try and give it the enemies life but God was healing and he had covered me in his grace. I chose to worship and thank God for my healing and walk in it and the symptoms would go away. God showed me that I would be strengthened but it will not be a quick process as it needed to be thorough. Think about if I had had that surgery in reality, I would need time for my body to recover. God lives in my inner being and as he lives in me and I am in him I am fully healed.
Know that if you suffer with anxiety this is a spirit that has come upon you, at some point there was an agreement made either by you or in your generations of ancestors (the bloodline).
Ask God to show you where this comes from and how to deal with it. You are covered by the blood of Christ and by his stripes you are healed. Repent for this sin and ask God to replace it with calmness and serenity.